Biodiversity Classification
Sometimes my 60+ year brain does not quickly conjure up and sift through the 1100+ mandala and nature panel images I have created over the past 10 years until I ruminate on the topic I seek and search external hard drives. Ah-Ha—there you ARE! This mandala was to...
Comfort Zone
It is my wish that you too find and embrace your path and tell personal stories through your art in whatever form it takes!

Remembrance of Craig Gosling
Craig’s pen and ink style was casual and spontaneous and seemed to ooze extreme confidence in its mark making. It seemed effortless in his hands but as we come to find out pen and ink is not an easy medium to master.

Note to a Student
Embrace what you love and learn new skills as your temperament and patience will allow and stop making comparisons because it is often apples to oranges.