My Quest for Creepy Crawlers
Back in the day you could make your own beetle collection with metal molds, liquid latex rubber and a hot plate for young nature lovers like me. Mattel Toys came out with the Thingmaker Creepy Crawlers Bug Maker Kit in 1964. You can still find these kits on EBAY and...My LOve of Amphibians
I have always liked amphibians since going grocery shopping with my grandmother when I was 7 years old. Holding hands we would walk into the store and pass by a square upright glass vending box with little treasures encased in plastic capsules like bouncy balls, shiny...Creating Nature Textures with Coffee Stain
When I was in graduate school many years ago I was introduced a coffee stain technique developed by my professor Gerald P Hodge.
The Ways of the Chameleon
In my art career I have been a chameleon of sorts able to change colors and spots to suit my situation and interests: medical art, flame painting, visual puns, and nature mandalas.