Life Musing on AI

Life Musing on AI

Life has been busy lately with thoughts of the future, teaching and client directed artwork, family and friends, and, of course nature. It seems to be a seesaw motion up and down, back and forth, looking for clues that have brought me to this present point in my life....
Searching for Crabs

Searching for Crabs

When I was a young boy my family took a summer vacation to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, my late father’s favorite place. One afternoon my father and I walked along the sea wall drinking chocolate milkshakes (made with vanilla ice cream also my father’s favorite). I found...
The Allure of Fishing

The Allure of Fishing

I grew up in family of fish lovers and flyfisherman—of which I am only the lover. I never learned the fine art of flyfishing when a spinning rod is my choice but certainly understand its appeal and allure (pun intended). In the mandala above 8 radiant red and green...